“Contributions in favor of autonomous schools, private schools and nursery schools for the implementation of projects aimed at providing equitable, inclusive and appropriate learning education for all - PON METRO Project 2014 – 2020 - Operational Plan City of Cagliari - Project CA7.1.1.e”
In the summer Bim Bum Bimbo participated in a European Union public tender for the assignment of contributions in favor of independent schools, private schools and nursery schools for the implementation of projects aimed at providing fair, appropriate and inclusive education for everyone. We got involved, our proposal was liked and we were included in the tender; the project will start in February and will continue until June. The theme is really important and brings different social dynamics to the table and could be an arduous and difficult task to introduce to the nursery, given the age of our children. However, we tried to think of methods of approach and intervention that could also be inclusive for our little ones, both during our educational day at the nursery and with the support of the families, solid and undisputed foundations, together with the nursery , on which each of them grows and is trained, and is educated. We will address the topic of inclusion at 360 degrees, not only thinking about the different ideologies of thought, the different religions and cultures, but also about those stereotypes that are intrinsic in all of us, without even being aware of them. The project is entitled Being there to play and Playing to be there and the main objective of our project is to create a bond that unites. What we will do is create opportunities and meeting ideas to undertake fun activities together. The game will become the bond that unites families, to create relationships, to raise awareness, to understand the intrinsic meaning of inclusion, to understand what active and fair methodology means. The idea is to start from the parents to get to the boys and girls, we get to the boys and girls and reunite with the families. Making families get to know each other will allow them to create relationships even outside the nursery context, resulting in relationships between children, without exclusions. The project will be developed for the children through proposals for fun, engaging and educational activities such as reading, the use of fine manual skills and the five senses, the use of recycled material, playing and learning the musicality of English through songs and nursery rhymes, learn new English words by preparing simple snacks. We will undertake two parallel works; one in the morning only with the children and one in the afternoon with spot meetings with you parents too to reinforce the work done in the morning and to add new proposals and meanings allowing families to experience the nursery. 3 work sessions will be proposed:
• Reading Animation. Reading as a relationship, meeting point and food for thought.
• Let's play with English. The English language, another way to communicate.
• With the hands. The importance of manual skills and how simple it is to find recycled material to build educational games will be highlighted.
We will start on "Mismatched Socks Day" with the first session on Reading and will be the same for the following Fridays. We have set up, in each location, a welcoming and identifying corner which will be used for reading a text selected specifically for the project and designed for the age of the boys and girls. The educators will tell you about it in the logbook. We will communicate the next steps and what your involvement will be in due time! The first proposal for you will be to invite you to a meeting/confrontation with an expert person, to introduce a path aimed at introducing the key concepts that will guide the implementation of the entire project. The concepts of inclusion, inclusive teaching, equitable education, active participation, valorization of differences will be recalled which, in line with the objectives of the project, will be conveyed through the various activities carried out by the educators. The meetings will be held in turn in Via Della Pineta and Via Nuoro and we will shortly send you the calendar with all the dates. We really hope that you will enjoy this initiative and we would like it to pleasantly involve you.
Once a week the structure will open to guests from 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm
children aged 3 to 10 years with a completely free formula for
propose various activities and games on the following themes
Reservations for individual meetings by email will be
writing your name and surname, date of birth and reference telephone number.
For info call the number334 233 0615 or write by email